The LGPS Scheme Advisory Board wants to know whether the legal structure of U.K. local authority pension funds is consistent with Shariah law, to ensure Muslim employees have sufficient options to join.
The Local Government Association, which represents local authorities interests to the government, is conducting a pension consultant search to provide a report.
"We expect that the report we are procuring will examine from a Shariah perspective the legal structure of the LGPS as a defined benefit, statutory public sector scheme, where the member's benefits are guaranteed and based on length of service and salary (and as such are not related to the performance of the underlying funds)," a spokeswoman said.
The report will check for any contradictions between the principles of Shariah law and participation in local authority funds for Muslim local government employees, she added.
The board will consider whether there is a need to make any proposals to the U.K. government to amend LGPS rules so that employees can join LGPS in spite of religious beliefs.
RFPs are due by 5 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time on May 9 via the government's procurement portal.