For the most recent fiscal year, the overall negative return for the college's endowment portfolio reflected a challenging market environment in the public markets.
For the year ended June 30, the Russell 3000 index and Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond index returned -13.9% and -10.3%, respectively, in sharp contrast to returns of 44.2% and 4.6% for the year ended June 30, 2021. The foundation's endowment return was just above the median return of -3.6% among the 16 university endowments whose returns for the year ended June 30 have been tracked by Pensions & Investments as of Wednesday.
"While the performance was slightly negative on a one-year basis, our focus and investment strategy are designed to ensure that Dartmouth is positioned for exceptional long-term, risk-adjusted results," said Christopher H. Lord, chairman of the college's board of trustees' investment committee, in the news release.
Mr. Lord did not provide further information on the nature of the investment strategy.
The endowment's actual allocation as of June 30 was not provided. A year earlier, the actual allocation was 38% private equity and venture capital, 25% global equities, 23% hedge funds, 9% real assets, and 5% fixed income and cash, according to the college's most recently published endowment report.
College spokeswoman Amy D. Olson could not be immediately reached for further information.