For the most recent year, the pension fund's negative return reflected a challenging market environment. For the year ended Dec. 31, the Russell 3000 index and Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond index returned -19.2% and -13%, respectively.
The pension fund's latest investment report did not provide returns for all asset classes, but it did disclose that domestic equities returned a net -19.6% (below its -19.2% benchmark), and total fixed income returned a net -5.6% (above its benchmark return of -6.4%).
The investment report did not disclose how the returns will affect the pension fund's funding ratio. As of Dec. 31, 2021, the funding ratio was 43%, according to its latest actuarial valuation report.
As of Dec. 31, the pension fund's actual allocation was 44.5% total equities, 18.7% total fixed income, 13.5% real estate, 9.8% hedge funds, 8.6% private markets, 2.9% real assets and the rest in cash/other.
The target allocation is 50% total equities, 20% total fixed income, 10% each hedge funds and real estate, 7% private markets and 3% real assets.